Industry: Consumer
Part Type: BMX Bicycle Wheel Hub
Material: Aluminum (black, red, blues anodized coating)
Mark Data Type: Text + Logo + Serial Number
Laser Mark Type: Laser Etching, multiple passes for consistent burn through anodized coating

These parts were marked with a Jimani Langolier Desktop. For over 20 years Jimani has been building turn key laser marking systems for aluminum manufacturing and processing. The Desktop Langolier is designed to be a compact, stand alone laser marking system flexible enough to handle small quantities of samples up to mid-range production runs. Rigid part holders or a choice of Z axis travel lab jacks can be used to place to work at the focal plane of the Desktop Langolier's beam focusing lens.

Designed to be a turn key, desktop system the Langolier Desktop is ideal for small, low volume, high variety production environments.
All Langolier fiber laser marking systems are supplied with Prolase, a user friendly, proven, robust laser marking systems software package very easy to use for importing and manipulating graphics files for brands, logos, and schematic files.