Laser Job Shop Services vs. A Custom Laser Marking System In-House
Ackley Metal Products is a medical products manufacturer located in Santa Ana, California. Once a...
Ackley Metal Products is a medical products manufacturer located in Santa Ana, California. Once a small tool shop, Ackley Metal Products has grown by developing high end precision machined medical parts with a team of experienced engineers.
Ackley received a large contract requiring a lot of laser marking. Jimani worked with them for six months developing marking processes for the different parts and materials eventually marking trial production runs of hundreds of thousands of parts. Previously they had been using Jimani's laser job shop services, but together with Jimani, they decided it was more cost-effective and efficient to bring a custom laser system in-house.
One of the issues that came up while customizing a laser marking system for Ackley was a difficult to mark combination of materials. The laser system would need to be capable of marking stainless steel and Peet materials. Jimani developed a custom laser configuration to mark both metals using the same optical configuration.
“Jimani built the Langolier to the correct specifications and trained the Ackley Metal Products team in the use of fiber laser marking systems. In fact the transition was so smooth that Ackley Metal picked up the laser one afternoon and it was running production parts the next morning.
“The lasers have been with us almost 4 months and has almost paid for itself. It works flawlessly and is very easy to train others on it.”, said Alan Ackley, VP Ackley Metal Products Inc.
Ackley Metal Products is a medical products manufacturer located in Santa Ana, California. Once a...
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