Mark Type Deep Engraving
Material Type - stainless steel
Mark Content – logo and text
Laser – 20W Fiber, 254 lens, Prolase 10 laser marking software
Laser Mark Stainless Steel with Fiber Lasers
This open design is ideal for consumer goods manufacturers or aftermarket shops that customize products—this laser marking system allows you to laser mark just about anything.
A Jimani Hybrid Desktop is a turnkey system and versatile tool for most manufacturing and processing environments. It is designed to be a compact, stand-alone laser marking station flexible enough to handle one-off samples and mid-range production runs.
Rigid part holders or a choice of Z-axis travel lab jacks can be used to place work at the focal plane of the Desktop Hybrid's beam-focusing lens.

Designed as a turnkey desktop system, the Hybrid Desktop is ideal for small, low-volume, high-variety production environments.
All Hybrid fiber laser marking systems are supplied with Prolase, a user-friendly, proven, and robust laser marking systems software package that is very easy to use for importing and manipulating graphics files for brands, logos, and schematic files.