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Rotary Laser Marking with the Hybrid Fiber Laser

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Rotary Laser Marking with the Hybrid Fiber Laser

We used the Jimani hybrid laser marking system to quickly rotary mark cylindrical objects like pens and mugs.

We originally tested out the new Prolase feature, Prolase DCA, to rotary mark pens but, as you can see in the video, we took this approach a step further and used the same software and set up to also mark a mug.

We combined  Prolase DCA Laser Marking Software with a direct drive Clearpath motor and a Sherline chuck facilitate the fast marking of cylindrical objects.  The entire set up is configured to reduce the indexing time so that a part can be marked with very small "tiles" and the indexing time becomes insignificant in terms of total process time.

Prolase DCA can break any marking object (test or graphics) into small tiles and by automatically joining those tiles together a cylindrical object can be marked completely around it's circumference.

The marking system we used to achieve this is the Jimani Hybrid System, which is a low-cost fiber laser marking system that is designed to be easy to use and versatile.

You can learn more about our hybrid fiber laser system here or check out some of our previous articles about the system below.

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